Thursday, June 27, 2013

2nd Week at the Madrid MTC

We heard from Braden twice again for P-day.  Once in his morning and then again after came back to the MTC from going into Downtown Madrid.  He sounds very positive and upbeat, he is working hard and also enjoying himself in typical Braden fashion.

Morning e-mail
 Esta mañana nosostros fuimos al temlpo (this morning we went to the temple.)  It was finally opened this week for the first time since I have been here, it was an amazing experience. The celestial room was so.... I don´t know just amazing. It was not better than the Brigham City temple just different.  This week as always has been one of ups and downs. Elder Boboshko left early Monday morning for the Ukraine so he got to go do his endowments and now he is probably in Russia, kind of weird to think he was here for only two weeks but we miss him a ton. When Boboshko left he left Elder Shoell companionless for a day so he paired up with me and Elder Erickson which was fun, since the mysterious Elder Clark (His new Companion) has shown up and we´ve been wondering where he was.  He was supposed to be elder Shoells companion but his Visa was delayed and he finally left Monday morning from the Provo MTC to come to the Madrid MTC.  He's a pretty cool guy.  Soccer has been fun, I have a couple scrapes and bruises on my part but I would not be having fun if I didn´t.  The food at the MTC has gotten better.  The other day we had this cordon blue minus the ham in it.  One of the better meals was a salad with cheese and meat bits and a side for the dish was way good too we had boiled eggs split down the center top to bottom with the yolk removed ( I think) and then inside was tuna ( I think it was mixed with mayo I cant be sure.) 

Tell Cameron that my Russian roommate could do about twenty pull ups.

YES Mom, I brush my teeth every night thank you.

Oh we´ve been having a pun war, it is really fun for me( Elder Erickson gets annoyed after too many stupid ones).  I am again reminded how lucky i am that i came here to the Madrid MTC.  Elder Clark says that it sucks being at the Provo MTC (they call it spirit prison) and the only really thing good about it is the chocolate milk and the vending machines.  Oh, and in case you were wondering there were 1600 people in the choir that sang at the meeting on Sunday.  They televised that here at twelve midnight, obviously we could not stay up that late.  I don´t think I could after the sixteen hour days we have, but we watched it in the morning.  

At this point I have no idea what I miss from home. It's really only been two and a half weeks ( my lays are now gone every last crumb) they forgot to mention they don't sell the same kinds here.  Cheetos are even different and so are the Doritos, but on the plus side even Coke Zero tastes good here.   They have french candies, kind of like jolly ranchers with soft center at the Supermercado and I ate my last Reeses yesterday that was as far as my restraint went.

Interesting things about today, we are going to the Prado museum, today is Elder Erickson's birthday.  He is twenty, yes he graduated in twenty eleven and surprisingly we have friends in common that went to Weber and that went to USU.  I signed more papers today for my residency in Malalga, that went well, lots of things to do when I get there.

We went tot the park again, this time it went better than last time.   This park is so huge you can walk for thirty minutes in on direction and it keeps going.  This time I was forced to speak alot more Spanish.  To my shame the people that could speak English quickly gave up on my attempts. It is so much easier to say the things you need to say when you are in the MTC here.  Out there in the park words just fly by you more than once I had to tell someone "repitelo profavor" ... the lessons with our pretend investigators have gotten better.

Tell Trevor I knew it, but why was i right?

That's all for this week, I could say more but I need to go love you all.


Afternoon e-mail

So,  you do get more today! We went to the Prado and it was amazing.   You could spend hours up hours in there and not have seen all there is to see,  I never thought I would be an art guy and I probably won´t but it was still pretty cool.   I got myself a pin for Madrid since this will be one of the few times I get to be here.  Lets see,  I cut my self on a lamp in my room, never thought that would happen.  We had taco pizza which was way good and a kind of bland noodle soup.  I could never drive in Madrid, my idea of crowded is the traffic on i-15 at 5:00 pm, this was manic exactly like New York City except I don't understand the rules.  I found out today most of my mission is a driving mission so good thing we got my record cause I would have needed it either way.  Oh, I thought of something you can send just now, Pictures.   I got here and every one has them, they don't have to be family photos but if you do send something include some good ones. Sorry no pictures on my end, they take forever to load on these computers and I still haven't taken every thing out of my bags.  I will take them down this week one night and search through them. Let's see ... we´ve had two area seventy come for our Sunday firesides and both of them shared way cool testimonies and conversion stories.  I still cant get used to saying elder and I still just call everyone by their last names. The president and his assistant get really ruffled up about it when we don't.  We don't do it intentionally, it just is more comfortable to say last names.  I accidentally called Elder Erickson by his first name the other night.  The other missionaries are easier not to because I haven´t learned their first name or cant remember it.  I had some real Coke in Madrid after the Prado.  Some people stopped to get five euro shakes which equals out to about seven us dollars and saw a 500ml coke for one euro and I could not resist.  Our leader who is from Italy just got married and thought it was a really good idea so I didn't care.  They don't have monsters here, definitely an American thing.  Red Bulls on the other hand are definitely world wide.  Oh, one really small rather insignificant thing,  i'ts no big deal really. I mean it's whatever you know who cares, but I  just saw a FREAKING PAGANI ZONDA! that's as big a font as the computer here will let me make it, yeah so don't worry about it.  

Picture of Pagani Zonda inserted for those
who dont know what it is and are not obsessed
fans of BBC TopGear. (Gary)

My life's not complete or anything (really it isn´t I still have to see a couple more cars then we´re good) but it was a good step towards my happiness!  That thought alone will probably get me through the week.  

On a different subject, when we went to the Supermercado there was this lady there and she stopped us and said (this all happened in spanish really fast so I missed a lot of it.)  Oh you are Mormon missionaries.  All we heard was missionaries and we said yes, but she had to tell us how handsome we were and how she just loved the Mormon missionaries. She told us flat out that she didn´t want to hear the message we had.  I thought it was really interesting that even though she said she didn´t want to hear the message that just by being good respectable people we can change someones perception of us, and maybe get a crack in the door it really made me smile. I just realized my punctuation is atrocious and probably my spelling too.   Out of the country for two weeks and it all goes to pot.  Oh well, I will talk you next week I don´t know if you have or not but you can put this email on facebook.


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