Thursday, July 11, 2013

4th Week Madrid Spain MTC

"WOW, I LEAVE FOR FOUR WEEKS AND THE WORLD FALLS APART!  This week has been kind of average for me. We play soccer almost every day and it's great.... it's just that people keep inviting other people to come play with us, and we play on a smaller concrete court so by the time all the people show up it just isn´t fun any more. One of the teachers has started inviting kids from his ward which is close by and even though they are fourteen and under they are way more talented than we are, which ruins the game even more... although one of the kids did pull off a bicycle kick into the goal, that was sick but that just tells you how out classed we are. It's not that I can´t keep up with most of them because I´m bigger and a decent defender, I just think it would be nice to go back to just missionary's Any way that's my rant for this week.  Thank you so much for the box of goodies that was amazing.  I love the tie, it's amazing thank you soooooooooooooooo much.  Thanks for getting my Patriarchal blessing in there as well and the bacon tie was pretty great as well.  Once I get out into the field I will return the favor when I find stuff to send back. 
Today we are going to the Centro de Comercial (mall) which is a long way to say something really short I know.  I probably won´t buy any thing with my card but if I do when I get back I will let you know.  I´m really psyched because they might have a Mcdonalds there which would be amazing. 
Last Saturday at the park we had tough time talking to people and its not that we can´t, it´s just that for whatever reason alot of people just didn´t want to talk to us or they really just wanted to argue with us which is never productive so we would leave them with a testimony and a pamphlet and talk to someone else.  It was hard all the way up to the end until we found this old couple sitting on a bench around the main pond.  At first, she didn´t even want to talk to us but her husband (who mumbled so bad I couldn´t pick out one word of what he was saying) started talking to Elder Anderson (we get a different Compañero at the park every week) so he muddled through that and after about two minutes of listening and failing I gave up on him and started talking to his wife. I started by asking her where she was from and she told me that she was originally from Madrid, but they had moved to some where by Germany I couldn´t figure out where. Then we started talking about other things like her grand children. and I talked about great grandma and how amazing she is, we also talked about things like how Madrid was a much more friendly place than where she lives and every time I would screw up on Spanish she would tell me "no te preocupes nada mi hijo" then after I had shared the message of the family with her she asked me how long I had been in Spain. I think she was expecting me to tell her that I had been there for at least three or four months because when I told her that "me and my compañero had been in Spain for four weeks her jaw literally dropped it was almost comical.  Then it began to dawn on me that I had only been in Spain for four weeks and then it really hit me that it was ludicrous that here i was four weeks in and I was carrying on a conversation in Spanish. Something I had never been able to accomplish in four years of Spanish,  So, while I taught her, she taught me and it was an amazing experience.
I don´t have much time left and I don´t know how Laramie will be doing in a week but when I go back to the temple I will put her name in the prayer box and just let Tammy know how sorry I am that this has happened and that I will keep her in my prayers and my personal prayers.
love you all

PS time permitting you may get a second e-mail who knows?"

"We just got back I didn´t buy anything. I was tempted to buy some soccer shoes since we play so often and here in Spain since it´s like buying a pair of tennis shoes the good ones were 30 euros but I refrained cause I don´t know how much I will be playing in Malagá so........ I put Laramie's name in the los oraciónes box in the temple after I wrote the email this morning and we took pictures with the president and his wife and other pictures with my compañero y el distrito (my district) not a lot from the mall it was a lot like home.  There was an H&M and a bunch of stores with English names. I went to a McDonald's and got a Mcflurry.  It looked like a normal mall from home, there was an IKEA in the mall that was different and there was a Wal-mart like store there. In an hour-ish we are going to watch Elder Hollands "Don´t you dare go home talk", which you actually can´t find on the church website because the talks that they give at the MTC are only for missionaries.  I wish they wouldn´t do that because some of them are so amazing. OH ONE LAST THING THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT FROM NOW ON SOME ONE IN THE FAMILY IS CHARGED WITH BEING MY WRC STATS PERSON I DON´T  CARE WHO BUT THAT´S ONE THING I CAN´T FIND OUT NO MATTER HOW HARD I TRY THINGS I WANT TO KNOW ORDER OF THE TOP TEN FOR EVERY AND I MEAN EVERY RACE AND TOP FIVE IN POINTS STANCE THAT WOULD BE AMAZING I´M CAUGHT UP WITH ITALY BUT NOT FOR ANYTHING AFTER THAT AND NOW THAT ITS JULY THERE SHOULD BE ONE COMING UP SOON.

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