Thursday, July 18, 2013

5th week Madrid Spain MTC

Hola familia este semana fue un poco aborrrido (this week was pretty boring).   The park was hard, but fun.  At the same time Elder Erickson and I got to go as a companionship this week.  The only problem was no one wanted to listen which had Elder Erickson ... beating himself up over things he couldn´t control.  We played soccer as always, I bought my second Coca Cola from Spain.  Thanks for the update on the WRC stuff, I´m kinda bummed they don´t have one this month.  I still have a hard time calling everyone Elder and Hermana it really doens´t  help that some of us have nicknames now.  They´ve taken to calling me "Hampster" and Elder Shoell is "Shoesh" and Elder Erickson is "Mr. Sprinkles".  This one i have to explain, for his birthday his Grandma sent him a birthday card and sprinkles (she bought the sprinkles at the dollar store by the way).  If she had sent him just the birthday card it would have been 1 dollar or euro or what ever I cant keep my money straight any more, but she sent the sprinkles from the dollar store which cost twenty bucks, so he will forever live Mr. Sprinkles.  I have one request for this email and you´re going to say I told you so..............but here goes, if at all possible please scan and email to me the copy of Savior Reedemer of my soul.  If you can´t, that's fine and I understand especially if you can´t get it to work.  I just thought in my arrogance that I could get it off the internet, CAN´T.  So, all in all I´m an idiot, yes I know.  I just hope I will be able to get on my email tomorrow because you probably won´t get it done till tonight.  If not, I will have it for later. 

Lets see what else ... OH! Pringles here are so much better than in the states.  They have so much more flavor than ours, that might be because they are Russian Pringles, who knows.  Elder Smith and I invented a game last night in out pre-sleep boredom.  One person throws a tennis ball against the wall and the other person catches it, easy right?  The only part I forgot to mention is that the person catching the ball has to stand backward and catch it with out looking. IT CAN BE DONE.  Smith got it after about ten minutes of practice and then Elder England got it after about fifteen throws and i got it after twenty. and we did  it without using our peripheral vision.

We don´t have any excursions today, my plan is to eat lunch in about twenty minutes, weird concept I know. and then go and play soccer for about an hour forty five, then a haircut.  After that who knows more soccer.  My day is pretty boring today and I have one question before I go, should I get a nice pair of Spanish scriptures, they are about thirty-five euros and I just want to know if in your opinion they would be worth getting.

If I don´t end up writng you tonight, you will get another email Monday the day before I leave for Malaga......WOW thats been a quick six weeks..... oh well

Love you all and miss you a ton


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