Monday, January 27, 2014

Bueno me alegro todo eso

Well, there really isn´t too much that is different between here and Cartagena.  We definitely walk a lot more and there are definitely some weird people here, but that doesn´t make it any different than anywhere else in the world.
So, this week has been good.  It is still a little hard adjusting, but we are working really hard to help the people here.  The mornings are hard because normally everyone likes to sleep in just a little bit. Which is why I suppose we don´t have to get up until 7 here rather than 6:30 in the morning. If we left piso any earlier we would have no one answering their doors, which is the norm for Spain, but the really weird thing is that on normal days of the week people go to bed early!  That leaves us a very small window of time where people will answer their doors and be slightly less grumpy than normal.
We had intercambios (exchanges) the other week with Chiclana, I went with Elder Buckway and we actually had a good day.  On the way over he was like, well we get very few futures and very few lessons and I already knew most of that because we show the weekly numbers every Tuesday at district meeting. I´m thinking, oh whoopie, I´m going to walk a ton today and be absolutely exhausted, but it was quite the contrary.  We didn´t get failed once all day and we got several futures and their number one investigator said yeah sure, I´ll live the Word of Wisdom no problem...suffice it to say that was the first time I had heard that. Of course the guy was basically living it already the only problem he has is smoking which living in Utah all my life I didn´t realize that it was such a problem, but coming out here and seeing all the people that live in poverty because they have to smoke and they have to drink just leaves me floored.
So, P-days are a little different here too, this isn´t a big tourist city like Cartagena was so there really isn´t a lot to do. Today we are going outside of the city to Chiclana, which isn´t any better, but we´re going to play board games with Elder Buckway and Elder Day so that should be fun. 
Well, I´m excited for Clark and his family and I´m am happy that his mission was good.

Love Braden

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