Monday, March 17, 2014

Heat in the Middle of Spring

This week has been amazing and difficult at the same time we´ll start of with what has been difficult. I´ve walked a TON and yes it would be amazing to not have to work on your mission and practice all of the lessons every day. I swear there are days that I go without teaching a full lesson 1, 2, or 3.  You just teach principles of course, but getting past the reading the Book of Mormon hump is sometimes rather difficult. If they don´t have that little bitty testimony about that 600 page book (yes it is way longer in Español), the rest of it doesn´t do them much good.  Going back to the main subject at hand that I was walking a ton, we did the "math" for Saturday night and we basically walked the whole length of San Fernando six times with out stopping.  Suffice it to say, we were really trying hard to have investigator lessons and they all kept failing us, so we walked. 

Really, really, really good things going for us this week.  On the 22 second we are going to baptize another girl who it think I told you about last week.  Her name is Irene and she has a really good testimony.  She has had several fechas, before they even filled the pila for her and so this time around we´ve really been pushing the fact that she just has to do it even though it is going  to be hard.  Her parents might change their mind at the last minute, but she has to go through with it because she knows it´s true and she will receive so many blessings.  We have promised her so many blessings (prompted by the spirit of course) that if she does it and her parents say at the last minute that she can´t do it, and goes through with it anyway her parents will be eternally grateful for her bravery if i´m not even going there, she´s getting baptized, punto end of discussion.

Sounds like you all had mixed feeling about Universal Studios, Kenzie loved it, Dad liked it all I know about the boys is that they caused trouble and Mom didn´t like it at all.  Sounds like a normal vacation.....unless it was Disney... and I´m not saying that the order above is predetermined.  Did you really take a flat me? and where did you find a full body picture of me that was good enough to blow up and take around? and I´m absolutely sure people just thought you were all crazy.

this week in San Fern
1 baptismal hopeful 
2 lots of walking
3 lots of member lessons (those include menos activos)
4 winter doesn´t exist here 
5 spring goes from November to March
6 it is summer ughghghghghghghgh
7 hay fever sucks 
that's it, I could only think of seven points but that´s OK because it has biblical significance hmmmmmmm.

I have been listening to THE LAMB OF GOD by ROB GARDNER all this week it is amazing. It is about the last week of the lords life and as I have nothing more to listen to than church approved music, for right now it is the best music ever.  I actually think I will listen to this after the mission to be completely honest.

Trevor what do you mean by please buy a plane when I come home? if you mean buy a plane ticket to come from Spain, trust me I´m coming home on a plane.  I cant really drive and plus they send you home on a plane regardless of where you live I think.  The plane ride back home I will have to go through Paris (which if that hasn´t peaked Dad´s interest I don´t know what will) and then I fly straight to Utah or Colorado one of the two, that all in all is a 16 hour flight.  Now if you mean literally that i´m going to buy a plane when I come home, a Cessna, which are tiny cost like eighty thousand dollars.  And ditching the emergency box is really not funny just remember the little boy who cried wolf. Think of the poor people that would have their butts hurting if they drove out there and had to drive back for nothing.

I´m sorry your butt hurt Cam and that's too bad that Mom sold the Pilot or all the people in the back could have played play-station.

That´s all for this week, gotta write Kenzie.

love Braden

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