Monday, March 3, 2014

Busy Week

We´ve done a lot of contacting this week which is the hardest part of missionary work in my opinion it is very very tedious, but we also have to find people to teach.  I met one of the very few Muslims in our city last night.  It was cool to finally use my "Elder Mambo" Muslim contacting skills from Cartagena.  That was all we would ever do so it got really easy to contact them. This guy didn´t have very much time in Spain though, because he was pretty slow when it came to him catching on to what we were talking about.
Actually this week was really good for us because even though we didn´t have that many investigator lessons we had a bunch of menos activo and converso reciente lessons which was good. I think all in all we had 16 member lessons and 8 investigator lessons.
Good news, we have another girl who wants to be baptized.  She has been an investigator for a while and the only problem is that previously her parents haven´t let her get baptized. This time her dad who was the fuerte one was like yeah you can do whatever you want, if that is really really what you want. We kinda gave her a fuerte scripture it was Marcos 10, I don´t remember the verse off the top of my head, but it basically said that those of you who will leave your parents for the gospel will receive blessings a thousand times over.
the bees hmmmmmmmmm?

Oh my gosh, you wouldn´t believe how many Yorkies there are here it is ridiculous. I swear one out of every ten houses we go to has a little Yorkie.  The really funny part is that they have been so inbred here that there are some that have like mental problems so if you think tucker is tonto just times that by like ten.
I didn´t get to do either ordnance, but I did help carry her into the font and make sure she made it under (she´s paralyzed from the waist down, don´t know if I mentioned that one before.)
I can´t believe that Tucker will be six and he still isn´t house trained. What the heck!
I still don´t have my first package, Elder Walker called the other day and was asking all about how things went with the baptism and I asked when we would have President training and he basically said he has no idea, so I will probably get two packages a la vez.
Yeah, I know I keep telling people that if you want a testimony then you have to pray to God to find out if he´s there and then you can tell me that he doesn´t exist.  Or people tell me that God doesn´t love me or is never there for me and they just don´t listen.  People could have all the proof in the world and never say that the church is true because they have hardened there hearts like Laman and Lemuel .

HAPPY FREAKING FLIPPING BIRTHDAY Cameron!  yes i know it is a week early but when I put it off for parents I for got. please don´t crash the car!
that´s all for this week, love you all tons and see you in two months on Skype. Talk to you next week

Braden el Élder en España 

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