Monday, February 24, 2014

Hey from San Fernando

So, this week has been good started out in Chiclana.  As you already know and I ended up spending about half the week there Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and the morning of Wednesday. Despite that everything was still more or less in order when we got back here.
The rest of the week went well, even better with the baptism and everything, but we have been doing a lot of contacting lately trying to find new investigators.  The best though is when member friends just stick their neck out and say I´ve got two friends that have something really cool to share that will make you a lot happier. Last night we played UNO, yes they have that here and a lot of other American board games and anyway we were playing last night and we couldn´t stop laughing.
We also found a really cool future the other night, we were just walking along and Elder Christiansen just stopped this lady and we asked the normal questions. We were like, do you think that we could pass by sometime and rather than grudgingly giving us her address she was like, oh yeah sure please pass by that would be really cool. whoooooooooo!!
So, I really don´t need the shoes any more, because it hasn´t rained anymore and for right now the shoes that I have are fine. I will wait until later so that when I really need them they will be in good shape.
Elder Christiansen is great, he is from Texas, but has lived all over the states and in Argentina and Venezuela so he speaks pretty decent Spanish.  He is a great elder and does a great job we have only been together for less than a week.  He has some very interesting talents that is for sure, like juggling, magic card tricks and butterfly knives which actually requires a lot of talent.
Sad note of the day,  I set my watch on my jacket and went to wash my hair and and when I returned I obviously didn´t have my glasses on and forgot that I set it in the jacket picked up that jacket and I hear this clink.  I looked down and saw my watch lying face down on the ground.  Long story shorter, the face is cracked, it still works just fine so I am going to take it to a relojeria and see how much it will take for me to fix it.  I´m really quite mad that I was that stupid to be honest.
So, I´m out of time for this week love you tons


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