Monday, April 21, 2014

Semana Santa

Well, I guess it´s all inevitable, I leave and you go and change every thing. The couches, the computer room, the car, the bees.  Am I even going to know which house is mine when I get there. Next thing I know you´ll be like, oh hey I´m sick of the red bricks in front of the house let´s buy purple ones. hmph.

Well, this week was super interesting, we made it through Semana Santa.  It was cool and difficult all at the same time. We got to see some Pasos, I was going to take pictures and then every time I went to do it I realized that the camera was in piso...

All the same, it was kinda cool and really apostate all at the same time.  So what they do starts out rather innocent, they portray the last week of Christ´s life with these Cofradia things (basically a float carried by a ton of people).  They have images on top for example Christ´s crucifixion or the Virgin Mary and after that it gets a little creepy. They have these people called Penitents who are dressed up like Klu Klux Klan members and they walk around the Cofradia with candles in their hands.  They´ve got creepy music in the back ground and they have some weird Cofradias for example one of a dead Christ in a glass coffin and some of these Cofradias cost more than a small car.  For example, there was one that was the Virgin Mary dressed in black and she had diamond tears and gold adorning the whole shebang.  Sorry I don´t have pics, but you can definitely look it up on Google.  I went and checked the one´s they have there are like the ones they have in Malaga.  Ours were a little smaller, but not too much smaller.

We had to contact a ton this week too, every one kept failing us.  Not to mention the fact that we dropped eight investigators.  We either had a ton of faith or we were just plain stupid one of the two ( i´m going with faith).  It all turned out all right, we only missed out on ten lessons this week and we got to meet a ton of new people.  Hopefully we can find the people who are looking for the church.

Well, you got the bees!  At least I will have less opportunities to go out into the back yard now and use it as it was meant to be used.  Not that it really matters for another year, but on the bright side there will honey and super great flowers. (oh ps, how are you going to convince every one to weed with all the bees around?)

What the heck!  Hutch Reese is home? that is super weird. OH and Kenzie told me that Laurie is going on a mission, that´s way cool.

The thing is,  I kinda avoid paying with the card whenever I can because I just feel guilty when I use it.  I know, it´s your turn rolling your eyes, but that´s why I´ve only bought a couple things like the soccer shoes and the jacket, but they were both expensive and you´re already paying for the mission money that I receive and every thing else like the packages so... asking for more just seems ungrateful on my part.

Well, thanks for the letters this week!  I love reading them and thanks for sending the package, those always make my day when I get them.

love Braden

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