Monday, September 9, 2013

The New Hermanas in The Area

Things are going great here. Tomorrow I´m headed to the Malaga mission office with Elder Shoell so that I can get my residency card.  We finally got the new Hermanas in our ward, one is Hermana Flake who speaks Spanish very much like an American and the other who is right out of the MTC who´s name is Hermana Bangater like the highway.....Elder Read and I get along a lot better than some other companions. 

This week started our pueblo prosolitismo (forgot how to spell it in English) which means that I will be rich next month hahahahahahhha, it all goes to buses and then comes back to me when I reimburse it which is great.  Oh, I did end up buying a soccer ball but it only cost me four euros, score! I didn´t even have to use the card.  I got reimbursed for the baggage finally and then for last weeks travel so we are all good there.  This week has been boring, we spent like three days in piso preparing for the Hermanas and then we´ve been showing them there area, so not alot has happened, it´s hard to plan for four people sheesh.

OK, stupid question answer session:

Yes they have cars and yes they have motorcycles.  The interesting part is that 90 percent of the cars here are diesel, so it´s kinda annoying.  You think the bus is coming and then you realize it´s this tiny euro box. They have a ton of mopeds here and 90 percent of those are little two strokes so they are way loud and they are only going five miles an hour. About 50 percent of the motorcycles are two strokes as well and they are really annoying too.  About 40 percent are general four strokes. Five percent are full on bullet bikes and when they go down the road they sound like a formula one car and the other five are the deep throaty choppers 

In Jr. High I had some one else for Seminary and he teaches at the High School now, sorry I wish I could tell you who it was, but I really can´t remember.

Oh, by the way mom I didn´t know target had eyes.:)  I just thought it was funny you wrote targets "sight" rather than "site" hahahhaha.  Sorry, I find that stupid things like that entertain me on the mission.

love you all,


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