Monday, September 16, 2013

TIENES CORREO (You've Got Mail)

Hello Family, well suffice it two say I get another opportunity to write this week...let´s see I guess I will tell you a little about last week.

We got a text last week telling us that my residency card was ready, so last Monday night we packed to go to Malagá and then spent eight hours on a bus to get there.  We didn´t get to the Castillo's house till way late. The Castillo's are kind of the assistants to president.  Hermana Castillo is the mission nurse and Hermano Castillo has many things to do.  He taught theater, so we get along pretty well. So, we arrived and they gave us food which was way nice of them and then that was it for the day we probably didn´t get to bed until 12:00 pm but that was kind of expected since we didn´t get in till late.  The next morning we "woke up" at our normal 7:30 but stayed in bed for a while, then after we´d eaten breakfast which for me was yogurt and fruit and little balls of oatmeal, it was actually really good.  We went to the mission office and picked up packages for the rest of the zone. Yea, Cartagena is now a zone! After that we went and got our residency cards from the local police, basically we have to report everywhere we go now kind of like a little missionary tracker for the country. We went back had some kebap, and yes I spelled it right.  Then we rushed to the train station so that the Hermana's that were with us could catch their train and then we went over and waited for the bus to Granada.  After we got to Granada we caught the bus to Murcia which stopped off at every possible pueblo which took for ever. The rest of the week has been pretty normal we got to eat at our mission leaders home yesterday.  I have to say it is amazing how much more I understand what is going on in Spanish now. 

Well i am glad that the boy´s got Grimm, you should tell them to watch the TV show on amazon.  It is really weird when you go on a mission because every thing changes back home like for example the boys getting a fish or the fact that America is considering going to war in Syria.  I don´t know just kinda freaks you out a little. 

love you 


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