Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Great Week in Cartagena

Well, this has been a fun week for me. We had our baptism on Saturday with Victor and he was so excited he had been inviting absolutely every one. He is so amazing, the first week when Elder Shoell and Elder Mardonez found him they gave him a Book of Mormon and he read the whole thing within a week.  Then when we gave him the Gospel Principles book, the one we teach out of for investigators in Sunday School, he read that within a week as well. When it came time to teach him the word of wisdom and the law of chastity he already knew them so well, that when we finished teaching he was like thank you for going over that so that I could remember it but, I read it in this book already and understand it and really don´t think I will have a problem following it. Then when we gave him a copy of the Teachings of President Snow that we use for Priesthood, he read that in a week.  He just can´t suck this up fast enough. I did his confirmation on Sunday and I was so stressed, but I did the best I could and left the rest on the table and seemed to be OK.  I  was kinda surprised when some of his family members came up and started talking to me after church and when I told them I had only been in Spain for 5 months, his jaw about fell off his face it was really kinda flattering.  

Victor's Baptism Day

Last week for P-day we went bowling and holy crap it was cheap, we are going again today it is one of the best things we have done for P-day.   I didn´t win of course, Elder Shoell had a season pass before the mission to a bowling alley and would go almost every day and so suffice it to say he is much better than I am. We probably will go to Primark again, Elder Shoell needs a jacket or something that isn´t the "Mr. Mac" really ugly style thing.

This week has been hard food wise and it is not because we haven´t been fed! It is because last night we went to a less active members house who basically gave us a two course meal, and before that we had two large plates of food at our quorum presidents house. Elder Mambo and I were stuffed and this isn´t the first time it has happened this week either, I could swear I´m gaining weight. It was so much worse for Hermanas flake and Bangerter, because they had another eating cita afterwards and they were absolutely dying. They kept joking about turning into binge eaters for the night and I wouldn´t have blamed them if they had. Suffice it to say, things are going good here and I´m kinda stressing because we are coming up on transfers again, we´ll see if I stay or go.  

I knew Mom would like getting an email from Cristina in our Ward here, she had been telling me like two minutes before that you hadn´t accepted her on Facebook and I was like if you send my Mom an email not only will you make her day, but you will be friended pronto. 

just keep it for me for another year and a half.

For Trevor, it takes over an hour and a half to read and write to all of you.
and no surprise there that school sucks. deal with it.


ps would have sent pictures but camera is in piso sorry 

This is a picture of Elder Oliver, President Deere and me, we all have birthdays on November 5th.

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