Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hey I made it!

So, like the title says, I made it just fine.  It was a little bit of a rollo (messy), but that was just because I had to be up at like five in the morning.  That was before you all even went to sleep. So just imagine how tired I was especially because I was packing until one in the morning....
It all turned out just fine.  I´m here, it kinda sucked too because I couldn´t sleep on the bullet train. I had to wait for my stop or I would have slept through to Barcelona (it´s happened before).
I got packed just fine, I just seem to have more and more stuff in every area, but I made it here OK so can´t complain

Valdepeñas is really really cool, the architecture is really great and they have a ton of statues and the streets in the older part of the city are really well taken care of and they have obviously gone to great pains to keep the city looking good and modern.  I still don´t have pictures, I´m really sorry about that, we´ve both been super stressed out.  Elder Fisher just finished his training and is doing well, he just doesn´t realize it yet and is in that same stage I was when I finished my training the "will i ever be able to do this well"stage.
Elder Fisher is really cool he´s, a little stressed out and it shows at the moment because it is really hard for him to invite the spirit some times because he is so focused on what he is going to say. He will get there, I have no doubt about that.  He loves the Iphone (before the mission) and he made videos on Youtube and apparently one of them was from his high school and it has over a million views, kinda cool. We are alone again and I really don´t mind, it is really what we need as a companionship anyway.  He´s told me more than once that I look like his best friend from home. There is a Hermana named Hermana Flanders that I know from Cartagena and the rest are all new, but we get along just great.  We still haven't had district meeting and we won´t tomorrow because Elder Peroni has to go to Barcelona for papers so that he can continue living here in Spain.  I will have to go to Malaga here soon so that I can get my new ID so I can continue living here. So, the point is we are going to have it Friday...... procrastination, even on the mission baby! :(  
You can totally send my email to Becca, the more people that want to write me the merrier.
Thanks for the amazing emails this week and i´m sorry it isn´t as much as usual, but i will hopefully have the opportunity to make up with pictures next week.

Love Braden

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