Wednesday, May 28, 2014

No More San Fernando

Yes!!! I love the watch. Every time I show it to some one I´m like "hey you like the watch my Mom sent it to me?" and they are all like "Yeah, it´s cool but how do you read the time?" or "but it´s broken" then of course I tap it and they all freak out and ask me where I bought it? I reiterate to them that my Mom sent it to me then they all have to try to get it to work and they freak out all over again it´s kinda funny actually. 

OK, so my new area is Valdepeñas in La Mancha, it´s near Ciudad Real and the really cool part (tried to explain it but it was hard over skype) is that Elder Lish who was here as a Zone Leader went there to Valdepeñas to finish Elder Christiansen's training and then Elder Christiansen came here and now i´m going there to be Elder Fisher´s first non-trainer companion (greenie breaker) so this should be really cool.  Elder Christiansen was telling me all about the area and we also found out after I finished talking with you guys that I´m going to be district leader as well, kinda freaked out. It´s OK, it´ll be a small district just us the Hermanas and the Zone Leaders.

So yeah, for you the time may feel fast and slow, but for me holy crap it has gone fast!!!!  It is really really weird.  I mean it feels like I just got here to the mission spent a day in Cartagena and a day in San Fernando.  It´s the oddest sensation ever, I don´t even know how to really describe it at all. Even weirder is that I will be released on the 28th of next May one year and sixteen days um....if that´s not weird nothing is? 

We Skyped from the Guttenberger's house, they were very accommodating and took very good care of us. especially Elder Christiansen who is going through a tough time, I didn´t want to mention this over Skype. 

Hey, you haven´t told me anything about Mat Tsukamoto, has he found a job yet or is he still looking?

Thank you for taking the time to write me an email, it means a lot that you did so that I didn´t arrive with no one to write today.

Well, I know it isn´t much but, I love you all and hope everything goes well this week have fun with the Playstation 4 and give my room a good dusting.  I don´t want to get there and find a ton of spiders and animals that some how made it in there because no one cleaned.

Élder Braden Hampel

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