Monday, June 9, 2014

I´m very glad that the girls are also blonds and are really stupid "YOU, YOU MOVED THE DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR!!!" 

A six hour meeting, it feels as if I had one of those recently. Well not quite, we had our zone meeting and interviews with President.  We had to travel to Ciudad Real twice once on Thursday and once on Friday. All in all, we spent 20 hours in travel meetings or just plain waiting around for another bus to come around and take us back to Valdepeñas.  That was fun and our numbers really sucked this week, we only ended up getting ten lessons in all. It was kinda of a bummer on our part, but the lessons aren´t the things that matter it is who we teach and how they accept the gospel. It is just difficult when you do a lot of walking. 

You know what, that is way cool that you got that award.  It is really nice to be recognized for your work though and that they are paying attention.

The weather here in answer to your question is only like thirty degrees Celsius, I don´t remember how it is in Fahrenheit, but it is something like eighty degrees.  So, yeah it is getting warmer, I am definitely drinking a ton more water than before and I should be drinking more even when we are fasting.  Hermana Castillo, the mission nurse, told us we should be drinking three liters of water a day, that is a lot of water!   

And yes, I´ve been getting the missionary gram photos.  Thank you for those, they are really funny and cool to see the cabin too.

Sorry, outta time.  Love you all and have a great week


The Front Room of our Piso

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