Tuesday, June 3, 2014

More from Valdepenas

Well, I´m really glad to hear how the cabin is coming.  I was telling a member about it the other day and everything it has in it and then I felt a little guilty realizing that our cabin was bigger than his house, but that´s OK, he just thought it was super cool.

This week has been good for us and a little bit hard.   The thing that is causing us the most grief is contacting in the streets. It´s kinda understandable, because it is literally walking up to some one you don´t know and then asking if we could come visit some time and share a message about the Book of Mormon and about Jesus Christ.  It is really hard some times, but finally after suffering on futures(people we contact), We just went and did the most contacting I´ve ever done by myself.  I´m basically by myself because Elder Fisher is still learning the language and he is still super timid. I have to buck up even more and just do it.  Being the Seinor comp was OK with Elder Christiansen because we were basically at the same Spanish level.  I understood what people said better than he did, but still we were both right there in lessons and now I have to take over almost everything. Of course, that isn´t to say that Elder Fisher isn´t progressing quickly, he is doing an amazing job at finding us citas and doing his best to share what he knows because he know´s a lot and is a much better missionary than I am.  So, hopefully I can catch up with his knowledge and we can both improve our desires to work on our Spanish.

This week for me is also going to be good because we have Zone Meeting, So I don´t have to worry about writing a talk this week.  I also don´t have to worry about organizing District Meeting too WHOOOOOO! little too excited if you can´t tell.

My only question is, what are you going to do with a kayak? 

Well, I hope every thing goes well for Mat and that he gets the job at least one of them and who knows maybe he was supposed to end up working for the church. 

I´m glad that you´re getting off your meds Cam that is really cool, I hope everything goes well.

Summer is awesome!  It has been a weird summer for us so far, you know the phrase 
"April showers", well it has been more like May showers and super cloudy and that has really kept down the heat here because it is supposed to get to like 44 degrees Celsius.  I don´t know what that is in Fahrenheit right now, but short sweet and to the point it is really hot so we´ve been pretty lucky.  I count my blessings every day that I did not end up going to Sevilla, because they get up to 50 degrees plus sometimes.  I thought Utah was hot, well I was severely mistaken.

Trust me, I too know all too well how close I am to a year on the mission and it is very very very weird.  It makes me feel old as a missionary too.  I was telling Kenzie that it reminds me of the over the hill cake that we got for Dad, not that dramatic I know, but it is still weird to think that one year is all I have left. I can´t tell you how often I have dreams that I´m home and I can´t remember the rest of my mission... kinda weird.  I just figure that is Heavenly Father giving me a rather un-gentle reminder to work as hard as I can, because one day it will be all over and I won´t be able to change it.

Well, that is all for this week. Love you all and have a great week.


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