Monday, June 16, 2014


I only got two emails?

Well this week was super great!  Elder Fisher and I had been praying for a week like this.  We have been walking more as of late and more people had been failing us on lessons so for the past two Sundays we have been ayunando (fasting) so that we can find some investigators that will progress and be able to be baptized.  We were also having lower numbers because of the people that were failing us.  We had a total of ten lessons the week before this one and this week we basically doubled that, which is where we should be if we are working hard as missionaries.  It really isn´t the numbers that count that much, it is more that we have people that let us in and allow us to teach. Not only were we fasting for that, the Zone Leaders asked us to do intercambios (comp exchanges) with them and I´m sure you well know the benefits of doing intercambios.  One big one is that you see miracles and boy did they find miracles.  The biggest one was that some Bulgarians that had been taught by Elder Lish and Elder Fisher, but they hadn´t been taught in over a transfer (six weeks) just walked up to Elder Powell and Elder Fisher and were like HEY what the heck?  When are you going to pass by again?  They are progressing really nicely in fact we have a fecha (date) for the Father's baptism, it hopefully will be the 29th of this month just right after transfers. 

OH yeah, that is the other weird thing that is going down.  We are beginning week six of the transfer!!!  I can´t believe that it has all gone so quickly.  I´ve been here a month basically and I made it to my year point this week. Elder Fisher and I have been having and count down this week.  He made it to his five month mark and I made it to a year (i feel ooooold as a missionary) and it has gone all too quickly. 

well, you can be sure that I will totally keep you from being on that board.  That is why I have managed to never go with you.  I dislike meetings like that anyway and I hate it even more when people argue.  It is just a waste of time and you only end up with worse understanding of each other rather than actually fixing the problem.

Last weeks p-day we were pretty boring,  we just stayed in piso.

This week for p-day we went to the "Bombed Angel" and the Zone Leaders drove us out there and it was also kinda cool because we had a combined district meeting with Ciudad Real and the Hermanas from Puertollano.  So Elder Phipps and i ended up giving taller (talk) together, it was really really good and way cool.  I unfortunately don´t have pictures because the camera is dead but I will have Elder Fisher send me some pictures and I will forward them to you.  It was actually really kinda sketchy because what you had to do was climb up a tube with rebarb rungs and then there were no safety rails at the top of the towers.  I didn´t climb up this time, but I will next time I have my camera. Plus,  I took some pictures on intercambios i will send those.

We ate at Mcdonalds this week (it wasn´t my choice) i really dislike Mcdonalds here because it is so expensive for me.  You change it over and it is like 10 dollars for a Big Mac that is double the price.   It really kinda sucks, fortunately I didn´t end up paying and the members that invited us to go knew how to work the euro menu.

Oh, hey I want to see my plaque so send me a picture. 

That is all for this week,  love you all and i will be praying for you.


Cool Sunset in Valdepeñas

La Mancha Zone Meeting (UNO)

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