Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Well, I am really glad that every thing was so fun at home this week. high adventure, firing people and every thing else.

We have spent absolutely no time in our area this week and some how we still had 11 lessons, it was really great and the fact that we had 3 less actives in church not all the same ones but pretty close. So, short story made long, we spent Tuesday in Manzanares contacting and getting to know the members there, this is the first time in 8 weeks that we´ve gone there.  We also spent the day with a less active member (who is progressing a ton in a very short time) helping him look for a house there in Manzanares, he is going to move there pretty soon. 

Wednesday we spent the morning doing weekly planning since we weren´t going to be there on Thursday. At 2:30 we got on the bus to Ciudad Real, we got there an hour later and then killed another 2 hours waiting for Medio Dia to end. Then we did splits with the Elders in Ciudad Real.  Elder Phipps and I went to their investigator who is going to get baptized and Elder Tenorio and Elder Ordoñez went to someone else for an hour. We got back to the Capilla around 6:30 and then we went to the train station where we waited for another hour.  Lots of hurry up and wait as Uncle Kenny calls it. Of course, just to add to the tension the Zone Leaders who had the tickets didn´t get there till like 15 minutes before the train was supposed to leave.  The rest of the day was pretty boring.  We took the AVE (bullet train) for 2 and a half hours to Malaga and we went and slept and got eaten alive by mosquitoes.  That is definitely one thing I hate about Malaga is the mosquitoes.

Thursday we woke up, I slept awfully.  I didn´t have a blanket or anything and I´ve never been able to sleep when I´m being eaten by mosquitoes.  We showered and went to the Capilla which is a bajo (base level of a building) and we were taught by President and I got your packages!!!!!!! At five we got on the train again with an hour lay over in Cordoba. I bought a two euro and sixty five cent slushie (thats what i get for being thisrty in a train station).  Elder Ordoñez went to the bathroom and came back out without going. and he was like i just can´t handle the smell. Apparently someones but had exploded all over the bathroom stall and yes i went in later to see how bad it was it was awful!  We then got on the train to Ciudad Real and every one went to the bathroom there and the rest was pretty boring.  When we got to Ciudad Real we went with the ZL´s to Alcazar de San Juan and we slept on their patio under the stars.

Friday; So sleeping under the stars was almost as challenging as the mosquitoes because at three more or less in the morning someone decided to have a concert... just imagine my excitement and my smiling face so after an hour of listening to it by myself trying to sleep everyone else finally woke up and we decided to move the beds back inside.  After that I slept well until seven o clock because my phone was in the other room in my pants and Elder Powell had dropped his phone the day before and then Elder Peroni had left his phone in the kitchen.  We all got up got ready and tried to have some semblance of study time.  Then we left and had some lessons and I went and did a baptismal interview for them.  When we finally got back to our area it was Medio Dia and then we went and worked.

Saturday we had an activity in Puertollano "the city of two lies" (it is no where near a port and it is anything but flat) we spent the morning preparing for the activity which was a talent show and then we helped clean a members work van so that he could take us to the activity.  They were super nice and fed us after we finished cleaning and after the talent show too. 

Sunday was just church and work. 

Today,  Monday we´ve had p-day here so far but we only have a couple more hours left before we have to go to Ciudad Real again.  Elder Ordoñez has to go take care of his residency and his train to Malaga leaves at 7:45 tonight. We´re going to take the bus at 2:30 again to Ciudad Real and then my train will leave tomorrow at 1:26 to Malaga again for District Leader training.

That is my week in a nutshell that took a really long time to write so this is the only email. 

PS I LOVE MY SALT LAKE REAL SHIRT AND YES I AM WEARING IT!!!!  I´m going to take Elder Fisher's pez dispenser to his District Leader and if you haven´t already sent the package please send something for Elder Ordoñez. 


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